
Names, Places and other things your human minds can not comprehend nor understand.

Rendered in English, the following names are not exact to what I call them, but being limited to express in your language means I need to use these names. Deal with it.

Why do I call us the Results of Tragedies, you may wonder. It's because that is what we are. A tragedy occurs and we are the result. People's fears are at the heightened state and that is when we sow our seeds, to bloom and gives us a new tragedy. It also has other meanings, meanings I am sure you will think about yourself the further you go.

You call us Fears, for you see are representing the fear when merely we are taking the fear you feel and seeing how long we can stretch you with it before you snap, crack and are broken.

What you call them/What I call them
Explanation why.

The Dying Man/The Broken
We are broken. Sure, we are also dying, but we're merely shards. Fragments. Broken. I vaguely remember being whole. It was better then being Broken. Here we are now, all individuals with our own motives and goals. We fight among ourselves and absorb the weaker, or if we are lucky, the stronger ones too. If only to sate our hunger. We can never be whole. We have never stood truly united.

The Archangel/The Afterlife
Because when the being has access to the afterlife it self, would it not actually be the afterlife? As much as you would hate to admit it, yes. It IS the damned afterlife.

The Wooden Girl/Puppet Mistress
Need I explain this one to you?

The Rake/Feral Hermit
I feel as if I don't need to explain this. Even if you want me to, I won't. Just understand that The Hermit takes as it wants with any method it desires.

EAT/Blood of Earth
Water makes up how much of the Earth and the bodies of what lives on it? What doesn't need water or live in it to survive? Even my host can be camper without my notice when I am constantly in control and suppressing him. I wonder where it bleed or leaked from, when I have to deal with it.

The Convocation/Force
Admit it, when you stop and think about them, Force sums them up well in the English language. Their force is great, even if they themselves aren't. I myself respect their powers, for a fool who doesn't is a fool that has a death wish.

The Intrusion/The Never Ending
They really don't end. You can not stop them. They even have swarms within their swarms, so that when you think you killed them all, they are already on you and in you. Truly another Results of Tragedies to respect. You do not want them to stop playing with you, I assure you. Locust-like death won't be pretty.

The Slenderman/Enigma
I really don't understand him. Not even in my capacity to understand being greater then most being's in the universe.

I'll add the others when they are needed.


  1. Well seems like EAT isn't the only one that doesn't understand slendy. I wonder if he even understands himself. x.x
    I sure as hell don't.

    1. If anything understand Enigma, they aren't sharing.

      And aside of that, how do you expect to know with your tiny human mind and comprehension?
